David Scholefield, of the Okanagn Crush Pad, joined us at Open Range for our REAP dinner in January, and he was so impressed with the food and the venue, and how excellent the evening was that he wants to share the goodwill.
To not only those of you who attended the dinner, but to all Vine and Diners, he’d like to offer a FREE VIP tasting at Okanagan Crush Pad if you contact them to book and say you are a friend of Linda Garson’s and Vine and Dine!
We very much enjoyed hearing your stories and sipping your wines at the dinner, David!
To not only those of you who attended the dinner, but to all Vine and Diners, he’d like to offer a FREE VIP tasting at Okanagan Crush Pad if you contact them to book and say you are a friend of Linda Garson’s and Vine and Dine!
We very much enjoyed hearing your stories and sipping your wines at the dinner, David!